Life at Parcel Perform Tech Hub

About us

Parcel Perform Tech Hub

Since our foundation in 2015, Parcel Perform Tech Hub has been building the technologies that enable modern e-commerce enterprises to create unique end-to-end customer journeys and optimize logistics operations with powerful data integrations, parcel tracking, delivery notifications and logistics performance reports in real-time.

  • The one-stop logistics partner for all e-commerce needs.
  • A globally distributed streaming application.
  • Career opportunities for one to fight above his weight class.
Career Site

Engineering Activities


Squad and Chapter Structure

A squad is Parcel Perform’s equivalent of an Agile team. The squad leadership is shared between a Product Lead (what we are building), a Tech Lead (how we are building it), and a Project Lead (when). As squads are independent from each other to perform their functions, over time a squad develops its own set of technologies and practices. To avoid knowledge silos, the horizontal level of the squad models forms chapters. A chapter consists of individuals from different squads that share the same function.

Meetings and Meetups

Squad Management Alignment, Squad Retrospective, Roadmap Review & IPM, One-on-One Session, and Development Postmortem meetings are organized monthly or weekly between our Squad leads and all Squad team members. Some of the meeting formats that can be used to energize the chapter meetings are Status Update, Open Space, Seminar, and Braintrust.

Overall Workflow

Our work starts with stories on Pivotal Tracker. Then the Project Manager prioritizes stories in Backlog. In an IPM, the team discusses each story to gain a shared understanding, adds extra information as needed, and collectively estimates each story. A developer clicks Start and becomes a story owner. When coding and testing activities for the story have been completed, and the automated tests for it have all passed, the developer clicks the Finish button and the QA team will start their work in testing this story. After the CI build for the newly committed code has passed, the code is deployed to appropriate test environments, and stories are marked as delivered by a QA member. And lastly, the PM/PO, possibly in collaboration with testers and other team members, verifies whether acceptance criteria have been met, and accepts or rejects the story, completing the feedback loop.


Growth Framework

We design the growth map for members from Junior Software Engineer to Staff Engineer.

Catch-up 1-1

Every 2 weeks, team members will have a catch up with Technical Lead and Chapter Lead.

English Environment

With members from 16 nationalities, English is the main language for our daily conversations. English classes help develop our English communication skills and enhance our abilities to share and collaborate more meaningfully.

Internship Program

The internship program is where we gather interns to work on actual projects targeted to go live eventually for actual users. Check out a previous internship project at:

Work-Life balance

Across Offices

PP Know Your Team
Quarterly gathering time for members across offices.
Cross functional collaboration
Our Tech Hub is in Viet Nam and we collaborate with Product teams in Singapore and Germany.